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Which exam is easy SSC CGL or SBI PO?

Last Updated on January 1, 2021 by admin

Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) Examination is one of the most preferred government job which gives a respectable career option to the graduates in various government departments.

Know more: How Working Aspirants Should Prepare For SBI PO Examinations

Similarly, State Bank of India, Probationary Officer (SBI PO) is also one of the biggest exams to give a decent career option for graduates in banking sector. Both these jobs gives a job with encouraging future prospects. Now the question arises as to which exam is tough? To analyze that let us examine the exam pattern of both the exams.

Which exam is easy SSC CGL or SBI PO?

Exam pattern of SSC CGL and SBI PO is as follows:

Exam Pattern of SSC CGL EXAM 2018:

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern:

·         General Intelligence and Reasoning (25 Questions of 50 Marks)

·         General Awareness (25 Questions of 50 Marks)

·         English (25 Questions of 50 Marks)

·         Quantitative Aptitude (25 Questions of 50 Marks)

Tier I will be of 60 minutes duration. It will be evaluated taking negative marking at the rate of .50 marks deduction per error. It is a computer based online examination.

SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern:

SSC Tier 2 will also be computer based with following pattern.

Paper-1: Quantitative Abilities (100 Questions of 200 marks)

Paper-2 English Language and Comprehension (200 Questions of 200 marks).

Paper-3: Statistics (100 Questions of 200 marks).

Paper-4 Finance and Accounts (100 Questions of 200 marks).

In this tier, each section there would be two hours. This exam will also have negative marking with .50 marks per wrong answer.

SSC CGL Tier-3 Exam Detail:

Tier 3 will be a descriptive exam in pen and paper mode which will carry a total of 100 marks with one hour duration. In this language efficiency will be tested by asking some articles, essay or letter to be written.

Read more: Complete Guide to SSC MTS

It can be taken in the regional language preferred by the candidate at the time of registration. Generally, one can opt English or Hindi Medium as desired by most of the departments of Government of India.

SSC CGL Tier-4 Exam Detail:

Tier 4 is a proficiency or skill test as desired by the candidate. It means that if he or she has opted for a post demanding skill test will be required to appear in this test.

This test will be followed by the Document verification of the candidate to prove his or her candidature as furnished in the application form. Generally, Data Entry Skill Test (DEST) / Computer Proficiency test is mandatory only for Income tax department

Exam pattern of SBI PO 2018:

SBI PO Prelims – Phase I:

S.No.Name of Tests(Objective)No. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1English Language3030Composite time of 1 Hour
2Numerical Ability3535
3Reasoning Ability3535

SBI PO Mains – Phase II:

S.No.Name of Tests(ObjectiveNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
1Reasoning & Computer Aptitude456060 minutes
2Data Analysis & Interpretation356045 minutes
3General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness404035 minutes
4English Language303040 minutes
Total1552003 hours
Descriptive Test:

SBI will hold a descriptive test for those candidates who have scored qualifying marks in the Objective tests of Phase I and II. It will be of 30 minutes duration of 50 marks in total. In this English language writing skills are examined by giving questions on letter writing and Essay writing.

Note: There will be a penalty for every wrong answer with as much as .25 marks for every wrong answer. There will be no penalty for leaving any question blank.

SBI PO Phase-3: Group Exercises & Interview:

The candidates who have qualified in all the above phases will be listed in a descending order in each category according to the decision taken by the Bank, will only be called for Group Exercises and interview. Group exercises will be of 20 marks and Interview accounts will be of 30 marks. The qualifying marks will be decided by State bank of India.

Know more: Tips To Practice Mock Test To Clear Bank Exams

After going through the exam pattern of both the exams SSC CGL and SBI PO, the analysis says that both the exams have equivalent syllabus and difficulty level is also almost the same.

One can come to know about the syllabus and analysis of these exams by joining SBI PO Coaching or SSC CGL Coaching. It is always better to have enough knowledge of the same before deciding to opt for the career.

Hope this will give you the clear cut idea that there is no alternative to HARD WORK. Hard work and dedication is required in both the exams as both are opted by millions of candidates around the country. Hard work is only paying if it is followed by SMART Work and dedication.

Also Read: Are there any changes in syllabus of SSC CGL

All the best!!!!




Hi, I’m Prabhakar. I am a fan of technology, education, and entrepreneurship. I’m also interested in reading and digital marketing. I have 5+ years of experience in digital marketing.

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